Much like yoga, Reiki is a technique for moving energy through the body in order to create relaxation and improved health and vitality. It uses the same chakra system, and the two philosophies go hand in hand. After experiencing the life-changing effects of reiki myself, I became certified as a reiki master, and I am thrilled and honored to share this healing wisdom with you. Regular reiki sessions can help…
relieve stress
reduce fatigue and chronic pain
process difficult emotions
release trauma that’s been stored in the body
improve mind-body connection
feel safe in your body
boost self-confidence
In each session, I’ll use my knowlege of reiki, prana vidya, breath work and meditation to guide you into a relaxation state while I perform energy healing. I always use my intuition, so each session may be a little different depending on what you need in the moment. I’m looking forward to working with you!
What is reiki?
Reiki is a form of energy healing. In a reiki session we use energetically charged symbols, visualization, breath work and gentle touch to help move energy through the body so that we can achieve a state of wellness in mind, body and spirit. If we are meeting for your session in person, I may also place stones and crystals on your body to direct this energy.
What will it feel like?
During your reiki session, you can expect to feel relaxed. You might also notice a degree of pain relief and stress relief. If you’re sensitive to energy, you might feel currents of sensation move through your body as energetic blockages are cleared from your system. This is normally a very gentle process, but if you start to feel uncomfortable or agitated during your session, you should let your reiki practitioner know.
How often should I receive reiki?
This is a very individual thing! Some people only require a reiki energy tune-up every once in awhile. Others (like myself) are more high maintenance and benefit from more frequent reiki sessions. I might make a suggestion depending on what I notice during our session together, but ultimately, you will know what’s right for you.
Is reiki a religion?
Reiki is a spiritual practice that may complement your already-existing religious practices, but it is not in itself a religion.
Can I perform reiki on myself?
Reiki is universal cosmic energy and anyone can access it. We all have the ability to heal ourselves, so yes! It is possible to perform reiki on yourself, but having a reiki master to assist you in this process makes the healing more powerful. A reiki master has been attuned and trained by their teacher, so they can move energy more efficiently and expertly than someone who hasn’t been. You can imagine it like trying to move air through a tiny straw versus a big wind tunnel. Your reiki master is the big wind tunnel.
From a more physical perspective—during a reiki session, your nervous system is co-regulating with your practitioner. This means you’re working together to create a feeling of safety and relaxation for body, mind and spirit. Having that support can make it easier for you to create that feeling instead of trying to do it all on your own.
Do you offer reiki on YouTube?
Reiki is a very intimate practice that connects practitioner and recipient on an energetic level. Because of this, I will not be offering reiki sessions via YouTube. I want to make sure that I am only opening this up to people I trust and people who are truly committed to this path of healing.
I’m low income. Do you offer financial assistance?
I don’t currently have any assistance programs in place for reiki. I do not offer reiki sessions at a discount or for free because I find that people are more likely to value and maintain the energy healing they receive when they’ve invested in it. I also believe that healers deserve to be compensated for their time so they can care for themselves and their families and continue to do their healing work.
Rachel is a certified reiki master healer and yoga teacher who specializes in practices for chronic pain, chronic illness and trauma recovery. Private reiki sessions with Rachel provide a safe space for you to process difficult emotions and release what is no longer serving you so you can reconnect with your true self, integrate past trauma and begin to heal ❤︎
Have a question I didn’t answer? Not sure if this is right for you? Questions about pricing? Message me below!