Running A Business with Chronic Illness | Boundaries, Pacing Tips and More!

In today's video, I'm interviewing Kimberly from Life with Kimberly, and we're sharing our tips on running an online business with chronic illness. Even if you're not interested in running your own business, Kimberly's tips for setting boundaries and pacing with chronic illness are applicable to everyday life.

Kimberli is a Lead Gen and IG Engagement Specialist who loves connecting with others and building genuine relationships for her clients!

She decided to start her business when she was diagnosed in 2017 with endometriosis. Working a 9-5 for someone else was hard for Kimberli as a chronic illness warrior and she just really wanted something that was her own. Where she could set her own schedule, especially on her hard health days.

She lives in GA with her husband and 2 fur babies, Jaxson (cat) and Murphy (chocolate lab). When she's not busy being social she loves to read, write, listen to 90s music, binge watch shows (everything + anything), spend time with her husband, family + friends and stroll down her favorite street in Savannah.


1:20 How did you start your business?

4:30 What does a typical work day look like for you?

6:50 What tips do you have for pacing yourself and avoiding burnout?

10:15 Can you be successful if you only work part time?

12:55 How do you stay motivated?