
Having a chronic illness can make it difficult to feel beautiful, strong, sexy. We're tired. Our bodies hurt. Many of us take medications that are necessary for our survival, but they may alter our physical appearance by causing acne, hair loss, weight gain, etc. Meanwhile, we're bombarded by messages from the media that constantly remind us that we don't measure up to our society's standards of beauty. And it's our own fault for not trying hard enough.

Well, I call bullshit!


Chronic illness may not be pretty, but the people who fight it, we are BEAUTIFUL! 

Don't believe me? I challenge you to set aside 20 minutes for yourself today to do this couch yoga practice. As you flow through these supported poses, close your eyes. Feel into your body again. Connect. Become aware of your own presence. You are breathtaking. 

You are so much more than your physical body. You are an infinite being. You are a goddess!


Santosha SpiritYoga Videos